Introduction of Tsinghua University Postdoctoral System
Tsinghua University, as one of the first institutions in China to establish postdoctoral research centers, has expanded from the initial 7 centers to current 52, with disciplines growing from a singular focus on engineering to now covering 12 academic fields, including philosophy, economics, law, education, literature, history, science, engineering, medicine, management, arts, and interdisciplinary studies. The number of incoming postdoctoral researchers has grown from the initial 8 in the first year to over 1,000 annually, with more than 3,000 researchers currently in the university. To date, Tsinghua has recruited more than 15,000 postdoctoral researchers. Those postdoctoral researchers have become an indispensable force for the development of university.
The establishment, development, and continuous improvement of the postdoctoral system at Tsinghua University, along with the rapid advancement of postdoctoral work, are due to the strong support of China Postdoc Council and China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, as well as the implementation efforts of departments and institutes in Tsinghua University. Over the past 30+ years of development, Tsinghua's postdoctoral group has expanded in scale, improved in quality, refined its management system, achieved remarkable success in talent cultivation and scientific research, and gained increasing social recognition. It has made outstanding contributions to the economic growth and social development of the nation.
Introduction of the Postdoctoral Research Centers
单 位 | 流动站名称(一级学科) |
Schools/ Departments | Research Centers/ Disciplines |
建筑学院/ School of Architecture | 建筑学/ Architecture |
城乡规划学/ Urban and Rural Planning | |
土木工程/ Civil Engineering | |
土木工程/ Civil Engineering | |
材料科学与工程/ Materials Science and Engineering | |
管理科学与工程/ Management Science and Engineering | |
水利工程/ Hydraulic Engineering | |
土木工程/ Civil Engineering | |
环境学院/ School of Environment | 环境科学与工程/ Environmental Science and Engineering |
土木工程/ Civil Engineering | |
机械工程/ Mechanical Engineering | |
精仪系/ Department of Precision Instrument | 仪器科学与技术/ Instrument Science and Technology Optical Engineering |
光学工程/ Optical Engineering | |
能动系/ Department of Energy and Power Engineering | 动力工程及工程热物理/ Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics |
车辆学院/ School of Vehicle and Mobility | 机械工程/ Mechanical Engineering |
动力工程及工程热物理/ Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics | |
管理科学与工程/ Management Science and Engineering | |
电气工程/ Electrical Engineering | |
电子系/ Department of Electronic Engineering | 电子科学与技术/ Electronic Science and Technology |
信息与通信工程/ Information and Communication Engineering | |
计算机系/ Department of Computer Science and Technology | 计算机科学与技术/ Computer Science and Technology |
软件工程/ Computer Science and Technology | |
控制科学与工程/ Control Science and Engineering | |
电子科学与技术/ Electronic Science and Technology | |
航院/ School of Aerospace Engineering | 力学/ Mechanics |
动力工程及工程热物理/ Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics | |
航空宇航科学与技术/ Aeronautical and Astronautical Science and Technology | |
工物系/ Department of Engineering Physics | 核科学与技术/ Nuclear Science and Technology |
安全科学与工程/ Safety Science and Engineering | |
化工系/ Department of Chemical Engineering | 化学工程与技术/ Chemical Engineering and Technology |
材料科学与工程/ Chemical Engineering and Technology | |
材料学院/ School of Materials Science and Engineering | 材料科学与工程/ Chemical Engineering and Technology |
数学系/ School of Materials Science and Engineering | 数学/ Mathematics |
统计学/ Statistics | |
物理系/ Department of Physics | 物理学/ Physics |
化学系/ Department of Chemistry | 化学/ Chemistry |
生命学院/ School of Life Sciences | 生物学/ Biology |
地学系/ Department of Earth System Science | 生态学/ Ecology |
交叉信息研究院/ School of Public Policy and Management | 计算机科学与技术/ Computer Science and Technology |
物理学/ Physics | |
高研院/ Institute for Advanced Study | 物理学/ Physics |
数学/ Mathematics | |
网络空间安全/ Cyberspace Security | |
数学科学中心/ Yau Mathematical Sciences Center | 数学/ Mathematics |
统计学/ Statistics | |
经管学院/ School of Economics and Management | 工商管理/ Business Administration |
管理科学与工程/ Management Science and Engineering | |
应用经济学/ Applied Economics | |
理论经济学/ Theoretical Economics | |
公管学院/ School of Public Policy and Management | 公共管理/ Science of Public Management |
金融学院/ PBC School of Finance | 应用经济学/ Applied Economics |
理论经济学/ Applied Economics | |
外文系/ Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures | 外国语言文学/ Foreign Languages and Literatures |
法学院/ School of Law | 法学/ Science of Law |
新闻学院/ School of Journalism and Communication | 新闻传播学/ Journalism and Communication |
马克思主义学院/ School of Marxism | 马克思主义理论/ Education of Marxist Theory |
人文学院/ School of Humanities | 哲学/ Philosophy |
中国语言文学/ Chinese Literature | |
中国史/ Chinese History | |
世界史/ World History | |
科学技术史/ History of Science and Technology | |
社科学院/ School of Social Sciences | 理论经济学/ Theoretical Economics |
社会学/ Sociology | |
哲学/ Philosophy | |
政治学/ Political Science | |
体育部/ Division of Sports Science and Physical Education | 体育学/ Science of Physical Culture and Sports |
美术学院/ Academy of Arts & Design | 艺术学/ Art |
设计学/ Design Science | |
统计系/ Department of Statistics and Data Science | 统计学/ Statistics |
天文系/ Department of Astronomy | 天文学/ Astronomy |
物理学/ Physics | |
安全学院/ School of Safety Science | 安全科学与工程/ Safety Science and Engineering |
心理系/ Department of Psychological and Cognitive Sciences | 心理学/ Psychology |
卫健学院/ Vanke School of Public Health | 生物学/ Biology |
核科学与技术/ Nuclear Science and Technology | |
化学工程与技术/ Chemical Engineering and Technology | |
管理科学与工程/ Management Science and Engineering | |
环境科学与工程/ Environmental Science and Engineering | |
材料科学与工程/ Materials Science and Engineering | |
教研院/ Institute of Education | 教育学/ Education Science |
药学院/ School of Pharmaceutical Sciences | 生物学/ Biology |
临床医学院/ School of Clinical Medicine | 生物医学工程/ Biomedical Engineering |
软件学院/ School of Pharmaceutical Sciences | 软件工程/ Software Engineering |
网络研究院/ Institute for Network Sciences and Cyberspace | 计算机科学与技术/ Computer Science and Technology |
信息与通信工程/ Information and Communication Engineering | |
网络空间安全/ Cyberspace Security | |
地区研究院/ Institute for International and Area Studies | 世界史/ World History |
公共管理/ Science of Public Management | |
航发院/ Institute for Aero Engine | 航空宇航科学与技术/ Aeronautical and Astronautical Science and Technology |
智能产业院/ Institute for AI Industry Research | 计算机科学与技术/ Computer Science and Technology |
碳中和院/ Institute for Carbon Neutrality | 环境科学与工程/ Environmental Science and Engineering |
动力工程及工程热物理/ Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics | |
电气工程/ Electrical Engineering | |
土木工程/ Civil Engineering | |
化学工程与技术/ Chemical Engineering and Technology | |
管理科学与工程/ Management Science and Engineering | |
基础医学院/ School of Basic Medical Sciences | 基础医学/ Basic Medical Sciences |
生医工程学院/ School of Biomedical Engineering | 生物医学工程/ Biomedical Engineering |
智库中心/ Center of Tsinghua Think Tanks | 公共管理/ Science of Public Management |
深圳国际研究生院/ Tsinghua Shenzhen International Graduate School | 控制科学与工程/ Control Science and Engineering |
计算机科学与技术/ Computer Science and Technology | |
电子科学与技术/ Electronic Science and Technology | |
信息与通信工程/ Information and Communication Engineering | |
电气工程/ Electrical Engineering | |
机械工程/ Mechanical Engineering | |
材料科学与工程/ Materials Science and Engineering | |
仪器科学与技术/ Instrument Science and Technology Optical Engineering | |
土木工程/ Civil Engineering | |
环境科学与工程/ Environmental Science and Engineering | |
化学/ Chemistry | |
生物学/ Biology | |
生物医学工程/ Biomedical Engineering | |
管理科学与工程/ Management Science and Engineering | |
应用经济学/ Applied Economics | |
社会学/ Sociology | |
文科高研所/ Institute for Advanced Study in Humanities and Social Sciences | 中国史/ Applied Economics |
政治学/ Political Science | |
信息国家研究中心/ Beijing National Research Center for Information Science and Technology | 计算机科学与技术/ Computer Science and Technology |
控制科学与工程/ Control Science and Engineering | |
信息与通信工程/ Information and Communication Engineering | |
电子科学与技术/ Electronic Science and Technology |